Clinical Trial Monitoring | (2025)

*Compared to gold standard PSG

Class IIa, CE-marked medical device

Class IIa, CE-marked medical device
*Compared to gold standard PSG

Clinical Trial Monitoring | (1)

Continuous Monitoring at Home

To ensure objective data sets, Sleepiz preserves the natural environment at home and utilizes contact-free technology for the monitoring of sleep and vital parameters.

With radar technology, we measure movements with sub-millimeter accuracy and analyse them for vital parameters like, breathing patterns, movement and even the tiny movement of your heart beat.

Importantly, our ML algorithms also classify sleep patterns and measure parameters like Apnoe-Hypopnea-Index (AHI), Sleep Stages, or Wake After Sleep Onset (WASO).

Continuous Monitoring at Home

Clinical Trial Monitoring | (2)

To ensure objective data sets, Sleepiz preserves the natural environment at home and utilizes contact-free technology for the monitoring of sleep and vital parameters.

With radar technology, we measure movements with sub-millimeter accuracy and analyse them for vital parameters like, breathing patterns, movement and even the tiny movement of your heart beat.

Importantly, our ML algorithms also classify sleep patterns and measure parameters like Apnoe-Hypopnea-Index (AHI), Sleep Stages, or Wake After Sleep Onset (WASO).

We have demonstrated the validity of the technology, against polysomnography, in two large clinical trials conducted in Switzerland and Germany.

Our technology is CE IIa certified for vital signs monitoring and home sleep testing.

Certified as vital signs monitor &
Home Sleep Test

Clinical Trial Monitoring | (3)

We have demonstrated the validity of the technology, against polysomnography, in two large clinical trials conducted in Switzerland and Germany.

Our technology is CE IIa certified for vital signs monitoring and home sleep testing.


Clinical Trial Monitoring | (4)

Up to 100x more data sets​

Next to artificial spot-measurements in a clinic, consider implementing objective and continuous at-home monitoring solutions like Sleepiz.

Clinical Trial Monitoring | (5)

Highly compliant

We have demonstrated that within 30 days of monitoring, participants using Sleepiz One+ have 28 successful recordings – Simply set it and forget it!

Clinical Trial Monitoring | (6)

Saving costs

Traditional PSG and in-clinic vital signs measurements cost thousands of dollars (depending on the location) while being laborious and time-consuming.


Up to 100x more datasets

Next to artificial spot-measurements in a clinic, consider implementing objective and continuous at-home monitoring solutions like Sleepiz.

Highly compliant

We have demonstrated that within 30 days of monitoring, participants using Sleepiz One+ have 28 successful recordings – Simply set it and forget it!

Saving costs

Traditional PSG and in-clinic measurements cost multiple thousands of dollars (depending on location) while it is laborious and time-consuming.

Multiple thousands of nights monitored

Clinical Trial Monitoring | (7)

The Sleepiz One+ is daily used by physicians in the routine diagnostic and follow-up process. It has also facilitated a large number of long-term studies with >6 months of monitoring.

At home monitoring is typically implemented for respiratory diseases, immunology and sleep.

The Sleepiz One+ is daily used by physicians in the routine diagnostic and follow-up process. It has also facilitated a large number of long-term studies with >6 months of monitoring.

At home monitoring is typically implemented for respiratory diseases, immunology and sleep.

< 3 min for setup and seamless data transmission

Our users’ age ranges from 20 to over 80 years old. Hence, the usability of the technology is designed to be quick and easy to install, while data transmission is automatically ensured through cellular module.

With one kit, every patient and clinical trial participant is ready to go. Optionally, where required, we can integrate additional Bluetooth devices with the Sleepiz One+, such as SpO2 sensor.

< 3 min for setup and seamless
data transmission

Clinical Trial Monitoring | (8)

Our users’ age ranges from 20 to over 80 years old. Hence, the usability of the technology is designed to be quick and easy to install, while data transmission is automatically ensured through cellular module.

With one kit, every patient and clinical trial participant is ready to go. Optionally, where required, we can integrate additional Bluetooth devices with the Sleepiz One+, such as SpO2 sensor.


“I expect a broad variety of new insights for sleep medicine with Sleepiz solution. Monitoring patients accurately at home and in the long-term has the potential to open completely new fields.”

Clinical Trial Monitoring | (9)

Prof. Dr. rer. physiol. Thomas Penzel

Wissenschaftlicher Leiter des Interdisziplinären Schlafmedizinsichen
Zentrums Charitè - Universitätsmedizin Berlin

“Sleepiz will revolutionize the way we do sleep diagnostics, enhance patients´ comfort and open a new chapter the way we do sleep diagnostics.”

Clinical Trial Monitoring | (10)

Dr. Aribert Bauefeind

Leiter Schlafmedizinisches Zentrum
Schweizerische Epilepsie-Klinik

“Sleepiz enables apnea screening atscale, leading to improved sleep healthfor the large undiagnosed population.”

Clinical Trial Monitoring | (11)

Dr. Jagdeep Bijwadia MD MBA

Chief Medical Officer, Sleepiz, CEO Sleepmedrx
Adjunct assistant professor University of MN division of Sleep pulmonary

“What Sleepiz does today isthe future of tomorrow."

Clinical Trial Monitoring | (12)

Prof. Dr. Christoph Schöbel

Leiter Schlafmedizinisches Zentrum
Ruhrlandklink Essen

Let’s evaluate how we can help you with your data collection.



Clinical Trial Monitoring | (2025)
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Author: Wyatt Volkman LLD

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Author information

Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

Birthday: 1992-02-16

Address: Suite 851 78549 Lubowitz Well, Wardside, TX 98080-8615

Phone: +67618977178100

Job: Manufacturing Director

Hobby: Running, Mountaineering, Inline skating, Writing, Baton twirling, Computer programming, Stone skipping

Introduction: My name is Wyatt Volkman LLD, I am a handsome, rich, comfortable, lively, zealous, graceful, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.