The Arizona Republic from Phoenix, Arizona (2025)

CITY Phoenix, Feb. io, 1962 The Arizona Republic Downs Race Results Arizona Downs Horse Race Entries (430) Reooy (Kail) 111 4-1 FIRST, Purse. Maiden. )-Year-old, Fertenes. 10-t (3404) Jorry't Gal (Inda) 117 OV1I300S Bobbin IDe'ba 12 Use (Sandovor) lit JtOl Ron's Birthday (Lewis) 11 Orbit Queen (Inda) 11 Sweeter Then (Whlted) 11 1701 Alpi IB WA n9fii i Red Trioe njrenoincTiii -n CADIAT0R ARIZONA DOWNS Mlf TINS At Tuff Piradri it ui of -4e mMtim, fb.

mi. mm. Odds IVif Eire, (Hill) 1X1 Indei 450I Misty Pom (DeAlba) 115 10-t 1-1 10-1 11 r. 4505 Brother Louie (Arterbulrn) 117 4404 Bullaway IWhlted) 120 4402 Deer Sid (Correal 112 wt iianaune lei i Lewis ito Red Lashes (Sheoeard) II FONNER PARK PURSE EIGHTH, Purse Allowance, -Year-Olds, 4's Furlongs. 3606 Kalua (F.

Pacheco) 117 -l 3204 Houston Blaie (Arterbum) 117 l-l 4107 Miosan (Veleniuela) 115 10-1 4604 Beheld (Frey) 110 10- 360 Chicka Victory (Rasmussen) IIS 6-1 J604 King Clan (Lewis) 117 5 Now Jennings I 4701 4401 Art' FOURTH, Purto 11400, 4-Year-Oktt A Haadacha INt4tu Also ilHlble 12-1 11,15 Claimine, Furlongs. 1904 pry Lakes (Sand over) RACI. I1-! furlong. Pgr 11,44. MiMm -yr-otd.

Claiming (Sheoperdl 117 4-1 rinka ritv Sir FIRST 4501 Soottted Indian (Grandlnettl) 110 ju lony tan icrev iiir ftt ALL Sajttl YOU con save muck, threjuqk OUR Radiator Repair Service I A Ropolr, In time, heads-off trio costlior penalties nogloct! Repair WE do, ore done to factory-standards practically re NEW! no, (kg Radiator of it weak points! Now or Reconditioned cores, if needed. D. (Whltedl 117 4402 Detcanso 117 First (Murray) S-S Thunderbolt (Bovine) i 4701 Toco Tom if. Pacheco) 120 i440 Whim Wham (Murrey) 111 J2 Cutdeu (Caldwell) Staff Assistant (Veager) 117 Espantoso (Lewis) 112 10-1 H3 Indtx Horse Jockey Owner Wt Odds Sir Fto 4S01 Huev (Arterbum) 120 4sio fir en let (Ford) 115 11 Bill Time (Leal) 115 10-1 4-1 l-l Jay' Pdky (ModrldlFrylngKRchACJoy 111" 4 120 uj awiicnoeoro ii-revi fiiinaara iKvinnti mr-nnrs wnuaKer i it Alta IMal elble II rAUL IMANrV FRENCH QUARTER uor LU (Whlted) Burner 114 hi nil 1401 Kingly Gift (Lewis) 120 FIFTH. Purse 11,006, 4-Year-Oldl SlOO, Claiming, il't Furlongs.

350 Clavel (Grandlnettl) I07 4405 Rondue (Lewis), 112,, 4304 Phuenix Pride (Leal) 111 iul Clt IDii bil 112 a Mr. J. or Mrs. tight Budgd I DeAlba) MrMrsWBranch lit Tribal Beauty (Artarburnl CEBrewlan 114 61 runsi til NINTH, Purse 11,004, Allowance, 4, Housselt tnfry. 1101 4304 4303 4102 3404 ISS 4J Qiicago Vs.

Hawaii On Florida Court SECOND, Purse 11400, 4-Year-Oldi A 90 7 JO 22.60 ID 5 1 Jeumonl (JunoylrtJ-x Mr-MrsLK Jacobs I Of Mtllcopltf Lady (Fray) Armstrong 114 Sturdy Knock (Pderson) McKee lit Poxy Man (Nedeau) Mr-Mr Par lorn 11 Oula Orbit (Jensen) Cola II it 'J, 44 J. 10 Impressed (F. Pacheco) 111 (4304) Muv Merho (Yeager) 111 4305 World ol Speed (Howell) 101 7.3! reer-Qios a up, 4 furlongs. 10-1 330 Scenic Bay (Sandovtr) 117 10-1 i.l 4304 Reminder Dream (Hall) 11 6-1 10.1 (43041 trailerwisg IMurray) 113 5-1 II (4501) Barbarian (Frey) 117 41 j.1 2390 A. Dee (Lewis) 117 I I v.

viemmo, rurionts. 4004 fcound-t) (Hall) 116 4301 Frank's Cover (Peterson) 116 4l GHIIe (Andrews) lie e-1 II 15-1 6-1 Phono AL 3-2101 AL 3-2102 4504 Miss Texas Idol (Inda) III ID. AAC. Tlma lilt. (Clear and ood.

Temearahire 4 (HrMl MUTUELS Jav'l Policy 15.40. 4 3 20; Wlllmro it SO. II 40: Sunra Lll 11 CHICAGO (AP) The Chicago Majors of the new American IS 1 -v? MIIWUII III 1 jui'ii orior imriincur iij l-l A 4307 Jeans Bomb (Grandlnettl) 10t I I 14308 Callray (Jennings) "HO 10-1 M'3301 River Maid (Rasmussen) 117 12 I ambert) 11 4i Keai lorn (r. 7-2 WINNEI-Ch 4, Life Policy-Jean's Jay. TRAIN! 0 BY Charlie Joy.

IN ATI 430 Call Bam (Murray) 114 of a once, mutuel pool sa.iav. 3607 Riff (Hall) 117 104 Miraculum (Hallmark) 111 SIXTH, Purse 4-Year Olds Up, 11,250 Claiming, miles. 3fie Gluten's Stadium (L Wall) 11 (4301 Mad-Jo (Prey) 113 4009 Svenot (Caldwell) 120 4205 Red Beaver (P Pacheco) 112 I30t Noahlaude (Rollins) 120 4M6 Honualua (Hall) 117 4009 Coiab (Peterson) 117 Basketball League announced Fri- 4501 Carter Pat (Sendover) 116 7-2; 4504 Wise Deacon (F, Pacheco) 11 12-1 4504 My Brni, I Imonl 111 Te Amo Weep (DeAlba) 117 Start good. Won easily. JAY'S POLICY went to the front when ready to draw Into a Ions lead after going halt the diitance and wai In hand all throuih the ni itti iday two "home" games will be March 9 and 10 against final sixteenth, willicpro came steadily through the stretch under urging SUPRA LIL made up ground on the inside.

4501 Captain Buster (Grandln'tl) Also Ellelble 404 Llttie Paul IWhlted) 11 4M1 Mas Calones (Grandlnettl) TENTH, Purse 11,100, 4-Year-Olds A Up, $1,750 Claiming, 1 Mile. 46IC Duckarroo 2nd (Sandovert 120 6-1 (2902) Brusher (Grandlnettl) '110 7 7 in the Hawaii Chiefs in Miami CLEANING-RE-CQRIHG--REPAIRING PALMER RADIATOR INC. 2245 w. Mcdowell rd. Arhona'i Oldest, Largtit and Only Manuhdurtr 4702 mnj wny it wall) I it 4004 Mineral City (Jennings) '111 SEVENTH, Purse 41,104, 4-Ynr Olds 41 4506 Gamblln trJ (Murray) 1)5 I I 20-ijBeach, Fia SECOND RACI.

furlongs. Purse 11,04. J-yaer-eWs. Claiming fur" Makleii, 1-Year. oms, 1 1 Furkwts.

Each nif -Sir Fin Odds Jockey Owner Indei Horse Wt PP at the auditorium Up, Claiming, i'i Furlongs. 14006 Nebraska Rose IB Wall) 115 6-1 3705 Tattered Rocket IWhlted) U7 6-114209 Call Me Red (Sheopard) 117 10-1 Floyd Petrie (Arterbum) US 10-1 3509 Tektlte (Hallmark) 112 i 3406 Care Sorella (Lovell) 112 7-2 4407 Mike's Image (Peterson! 115 5 2 4105 King Love (Bruce) "107 10-1 1 4506 Salesman (DeAlba) 115 6-1 450 Silver Pansy (Inda) 112 S-2i(4009) Tok-A-Mo iRasmussenl 110 4-1 4408 Annapolis Ann (Correal 111 S-11 "Five pounds apprentice aiio 'ce ft 4 I Hall in Miami mij Muidoon (Bernhardt) ii and Convention 'Arterburnf 11 A-llR 4103 Mlntas Doll (Correal 11 J.j Beacn, 140 4.60 4.20 II. 0 1 20 Second Crusade (Lewis) Sinclair 117 Olhweista (Leal) Bogle Farms Inc. US Perdysant (inda) A Nelson IIS Kanomer (DeAlba) Mr-Mrs Ax line 112 Peter El Bo (Whlted) Middle Ranch 120 Nlrsteel (Artarburnl Mr-Mrs Virgin 111 King Fleet (Grndlntll)-x MrMrsPKIng 110 4 I 4 4404 4302 405 340S 4406 4302 4302 3101 4 VI ID 4i 44.20 J3 60 43.30 J4 0 Royal Pass (6 Wall) Scottsdal Stable 1 IS IIS 1 Coid Fist (Rollins) A Oallagher I Ihl AAC Tlma MUTUILS Second Crusade Sl.tO, 3.10, 3 20; Olllwelsto S4.40, 120; Ferdysant $1.0. WINNBR cn 9 3.

Kovai crysaaer-sweer inrust iKAineu or weorge Aaams. IN GATE I 55 off ar once, scratched Tourtg uavio. muiukl ruuu 411,454. DAILY nnilBLR POOL 1I2.3M Start anod. Won ridden out.

SECOND CRUSADE was outrun to tho last quarter, and catching then came to the outside to close up last in the middle of the track te track OLLIWBISTA heeded OLLIWRKTA In the last thirty yards won going thirty the est thirty yards ring away, good PITER EL BO after entering a load out seamed to be fine sireicn to taxo steadily throughout. tt the stretch to take Weakening. FERDYSANT wen 1 DOUBLE PAID S3I.4. OAILT 4703 THIRD RACE. furlong.

Purse 11,000. Maiden l-year-elds. Claiming I Str Fin Odds Wt PP St Jockey Owner Index Horse 10 (B Wall) M-Mrs Clyor 111 pen (Whlted) Luke i Heielton 111 uer I I Haielton 111 4 23 4203 Gun Lie Colcord 1 em i-rey 5 00 1.60 2,70 2120 1:8 6.10 BoaleFarmslnc. Ill 1 Admiral (Leal) (Lea Vain 3403 4203 1 10 4M 3r4 51 41 I 10 bo RarnlM foubo Call (I'eone walker nr (Correal Halsev 111 4201 Closing Act (Inda) 6 Newell 111 Alsab's Best (F Lambert) Parsons III 32 75. 75.C Petenaro (Arterbum) Davis A Sorrell 111 110 113 tteeltlp (DeAlba) Rodrtauei VI MUTURIS Tag Play 111, C.

T. Alpen 11.40, 10) Gun LloM n. flulnolla aid 11620 liun Ia. UJim IM A1TI 1 11 winnbk is ti, Lnirtagong-oe rem. Fight Fan.

MUTUEL POOL OUINELLA off at once. SCRATCHED Mark K. In POOL Won ridden out. TAG PLAY, racing straight down the middle of good. iiari Leer 1 the track, headed tho Held in the last titty yards to txsi t.

1. airtn, IS bore out after going a short distance but came steadily when righted. OUN Broke wen ano was a ecoo contender. CLAIMED Closing Act (or S5.00O by J. and L.

Stable. Trainer, H. Gray. 4704 FULL SIZE METEOR SEDAN RACI. furlongs.

Purse 11,000. 4-year-olds and up. Claiming FOURTH KING OF THE COMPACTS! I1.2S0. Odds Str Fin Wt PP St Vi Vt Index Horse Jockey Owner 30 1 1' 14 10. 2i 4102 310 4404 4504 270S 2 60 4 10 Bamile (Gibbons) Cotton 115 Dad Bob It (Jenningsl-x Brown 110 Up'n Class (Grandlnettl)-x Burek Mercenaie (Arterbum) MrsJESulllvan 120 Boy Catcher (Jensen) Robert A Davis 112 Jusla Baiooka (Inda) LAEst ofGPollett 117 4, 5r 640 'l II 41 Sl I'l 7M 10 41 I 2' i f' 10 01 4 Si ft 10 pine aiooa irrey) vy rrev 113 111 4101 43 50 35 40 10 11.00 Addlne Uo (Rollins) A Gallagher 115 4104 Magna Vtsta (Rasmussen) Kroctt 110 x-a tot.

aal. MUTUELS Bamtlo 112 60, 5.40, 3.40; Dad Bob It 112.20. 5.40; Up'n Class SI. Qulnella paid S6660. WINNER-Ch 7, War Barn-Sugar 'N' Snow.

TRAINED BY C. D. Irion, IN ATE off at once SCRATCHED Miss Tenas Idol, Gillie, Say Murt, Redl Tom. 44UYUCL POOL 110.647 OUINELLA POOL 19.024. Start good.

Won ridden out. BAMZIE raced on virtually equally terms with DAD BOB IT to mldstretch, (hen drew out slightly to win under urging. DAD BOB IT displayed good early speed and continued gamely to the and, UP 'N' CLASS wnt evenly In third place. 4705 FIFTH RACI. furlongs.

Purse 11,001. 4-yoor-otdt and up. Claiming 11,60. Str Pin Odds Wt PP St V. Index Horse Jockey Owner INCLUDES INCLUDES 60 His Flag (Arlerburn) SmokyHIIIFarm (4501) Premier King (Peterson) Hobson US 1-' 2 i 4 4505 Blaie Comet 113 hlted) Colo 110 140 2 50 1 80 (Yeaoer) (Yeager Krlri Bo Fly ys i 3M 7- s- 4ri II 10 II II i 10 4 7M 117 117 Gallant Time (Lovell) Oavls li St r.

II 10' 14102) Bachelor Speed (LealJ ale Farm 141101 HhI Plame iFrev) 117 Burke J607 Snuffy D. (F Pacheco) penman 11? Foxee lvceeGrandlnettl-x ScdleSteble Inf. e-e 10 17 20! 90 40 Saanish Book (Jennlngs)-x Utmen io 1 K-J lb. AAC. mm.

MUTUELS His Flao S14.20, 7.10, 4 0) Premier Kin SI7 40, 20i Blaie Comet auir 9 Oulnrllo paid 1171 40. I WINNER-Ch I His Palr-Sudha Fleg TRAINED BY Ike Bailey. IN OATI 1. oft at once SCRATCHED See Saw. MUTUEL POOL If, 190 1:10 Start good.

Won ridden out. HIS FLAG went to tho front at once and well rl whlfa ttttlna th Bar hjul annuah ta withstand a stretch cha lonoe from PREMIER KINO, Latter was closest most of tho way and continued In resolute fashion blaze comet raced to fair contention after going 0 quarter our lanea to threaten the first two. 4706 SIXTH RACI. furlongs. Purs S1JO0.

1 year-old Claiming 11,714. Wt PP St '4 Str FM Odd Index Horse Jockey Owner 120 4410 Oreet Don IB Wall) Armstrong 4704 Alrometer (Rollins) Mr-Mrs Rollin Rollin 110 11) 170, 4 20 4 10 i 60 3' 4, Miss Hrmatrte (Whlted) Krlia ie 3507 Kino Hie flnria) Smith 117 I 7'l 6 7 4-i 1 6 7 1 90 690 $5 00 (4005) Alate Hindu ID Hall) GHareltnnSr 117 3 Colonel Blaie (Grandlnefll)-x Sam lo 4 Sloey Sue (Bernhardt) Henckel 111 7 x-S lb. A AC. Time tllk. I fill.

1:174. MUTUELS Great Don 19 40.4 40, AlrnmHrr 15. 120: MiM Hematite 17 HI i 11 Istork-Nogada. TRAINED BY Walter Peltier. IN OATI WINNER A 2.

TVI ii 4aaaliV, off at once. MUTUFL POOL 11602. Start good Won driving GREAT DON headed the field early and opened up I ii WilOlall laVLAiCS3 around Iho far turn, then withstood a challenge from AIROMITIR on the stretch turn and held hero to tho end AIROMETER moved on the Inside of ORE AT DON iiwiaiiajapagpi- iiikh i en the stretch turn and continued well MISS HEMATITE came to tho outside In '7" I I "gi the stretch to loom at nvdstretch but faded tn the final drive. llil mm 4707 'i furlonts. Purs 11444.

4-year4M( and up. Claiming SEVENTH RACI. SI.004. Jockey Owner Odd Index Herse Wf PP St StrFki I 1 '1 6 4 Stormy See (Murray) Oliver A Hay den 120 Noble Dream ID Hall) Ynuno 117 Reman Shield (B Wall) Ware 11 Meiodieuest (AndrewM Sondreaal 111 Denn Baykey (jennmgt)-i WKh in toftle King (Lovell) MrMrsVPMIIips 117 kio Wolf (Gibbons) Cottnn Bee Bee Tee (Heilmark) FHFuhrman HI ik 4 i 4JM 4007 4T07 430 JtnT 4f4 3104 420 1 10 30 70 70 4 10 $60 190 20 110 44 Infantry (Inda) Colcord 111 x-S lbs. AAC.

Time t47A. Ml 1 10H. Shield Noble tll.M. TO; Ea PAYMENT TIL AUQUST! MUTUELt-Stormy Sea 114 20. 70, 1 40 1 Roman TRAINIO BY C.

I. Oliver. IN Dream is wi WINNIR-B A Seven Sea 2nd Madwoman. alATaj 4 n. mh mt mutiiFL pool 1140 Start good.

Won eallv. STORMY SEA drew out from BLUE WOLF around the far turn end racino well was net In danger ki the stretch. ROMAN SHIELO moved up neerlng the stretch rum and continued well to hold NOBLE DREAM. Latter trailed early and raced wide wniio making Ms move but finished strongly. 4708 CIOHTH RACI.

furlong. Pert 11,11. 4-yoer-otd and up. Claiming 4J.O0O. Index Hon Jock ay Owner Wt PP St i Sir Fin Odd Vnuna 117 1 an Arm Oln (O Hatl) Blue lad (Howelll Mr.

Mr Warner 117 41 444 1 70 19 40 Ak piay in Wai ware 117 I Kale (Veaeerl Bch 111 6 40 eau or I Lew 141 a Sinclair Senator Jack IDeAlbelMr-MrsWBrancf) seeedbano (Leal) Bnale Farms Inc. 112 4 6 4 1 5 5 40 40 117 1 1 6' I t1 11V) 1 rd II I too 1 1 1 110 95 DOLLARS DELIVERS ANY CAR IN STOCK! Just think! With Herb Sftreni PREFERRED CREDIT PLAN convenient financing arranqementt can be made to make your payments for you until Dut to Hit popularity of Hit 1962 Mercury and Mercury Comet, new cor tradet.u continue to roll In. The automobiles we have at our huge lot art the cleanest and finest In the world. We say this without fear of contradiction. Here Is the process for every car we take In trodc: ic Inspection by Used Car Manager 4.

Transmission and rtor end ic Front end examined for ypjkfer 'U 2. Road tested completely thtcked Tires checked and replaced If s-j necessarv Sweet View I Inda I Vlrden Play 14 Time 1771, tr, nil. MUTUELS Acm Gin 14 4. 120. Blue led 115 40, I 40i Ak WINNER-B 6, fiktoll Formal.

TRAINIO BY D. W. Young, Off at once MUTUEL POOL I9 oi Start good. Won easily ACME OIN beat the other away and tho early pare under steady rating pulled Out In tho stretch to OaiV score BLUB LAD was closest to the pare most of tho way commendable effort. AK-PLAY raced wide throughout.

IN OATI after hevlng sef register a very In a steady and 4709 NINTH RACI. furlong. The Premier Handle. Purs 11.144. 4-yar-W J.

Motor compression tested for a ruc' "i t.ecrrcai systems nectssary ooay wor Any car that cannot meet thesa no uo. specifications is wholesaled condition of rings and valves Vndx Horto Jockey Owner Fm Odds Wt PP St i Str 30 Turkson (Petersonl CCowarvSrAJr. 112 Vallay tftrandlm $20 50 40 neiiii MrsiiK inompson ltr 1' 4 7i IM (410) Th Rao IO Mailt Haidtrei, Jr 174 40 '58 FORD CUSTOM Thrift Power sylth std. radio heattr. Rl Rd A grhlt Thtt tern yvr for '57 OLDSMOBILE 98 Door Holfdiy.

I est guy Soedal. Pull power, factory retrtgtrlifl, fawn finish. Owrntd ii. II 40 14 A 410 Air Academy IB waHiMr-MrtWRCiuer 114 4104 Queen Nancy (Artrrhurn) A Anew 111 4V Fleet (hre (DaAihal Wilkinson 111 (J904I Ten Five (Rollins) Mr Cihy (if Tim ill. 14' t.

Ill 1 '59 OLDSMOBILE 88 Holiday Cow. aeaeal plot. Dual Ran Hydr oeoer trln, brakts, de. A Rckt lit your pockd. Dr, SS9.2 Pf Month 795 1095 1695 470 MUTUPLI Turkinn 112 40 1 0.

1 40 1 Valley 140. 1: Th Rao 120 WINNER -B 4. Spy Song Turkey Tart 2nd TRAINED BY John Cheeney, IN He MBftty Down, $31.37 far Month He Mrv Od-R, $41.13 ff Month ATI a W. net at once 1CRATCHI D-Nnnr lay. MUTUIL POOL 1 14.41$.

SUrt oiind Wm driving TURKtON, otwav In good contention, ceme strongly between horses In th stretch so 0f to the front neerlna me end and hold VAL LEV. Latter lost ground in recing wide end wa en the outside several horse GMC PICKUP '59 PLYMOUTH 4 DOOR World lamews cyl. ongki. deeandabi, oconom-kal. Stick otilft.

Irtnln whin, tlk nw. In tho stretrh but finished ttmnoly In the middi nf th track. THE RAOI con-tinued strongly afr bm headed by AIR ACADEMY and took command etaln '57 CHEVROLET 4 DOOR Why Hf VI Pwrlld. power tteerlng, FACTORY Rfrlrdien, Came Whit finish. Ready for mile at trouble fr strvic.

In the last suteentn to hold on wn J995 $995 Looking for slick gmf 0MV VI trvek. small rack, mwd and tnow on rear, with imt new oitra Mr. Wro rwnd gumr. 995 4710 TENTH RACI. On mile.

Puree 11404. 4yr-idt nd Cujlmln 11,11. MMty Oowr, $31.34 for Month No Monof Oowri, $31.34 Pr Monf He Meoy Dr. $31.34 for Mvtirii Wt PP St Owner Str FM Odds Jckry Index Hrs Rod Tr (Arf.buml QCRnbortt i7 7 '58 DODGE CUSTOM ROYAL Ellen More IWhlted) Rnbwm 1..1 ika irutlhil Ohm I- '59 CHEVROLET 2 DOOR Favorite at million. Renowned I cyl.

with do- pondokl Pgwtrtlid, I N. '58 PONTIAC STARCHIEF 4 Door Seortt Style end rformnc winner. Factory Air end full oowtr. 1ml, ill Waltl Lyons 11 40 10 4 I V. 4 Door.

Power tteerln. brke, wksdowt, MoPr Rttrnralin, new arlen fire. Bessie OveoniNedeaulBAJStarnlck II (1011 (4VI4 (4nl 4 470 4 V. 1295 1095 1395 I 10 Hnbcaw Saee (Pe'ersnni njTrtat Vein lady (Andrews). JBFtihr 10 iS 140 ISO 1 A i 4 4 10 Nellie Im lOr'drtll-a Laweiljr Marys Jw4 I Inda Moo' bed He Moooy DowR, $41.10 ft Month MoaT Dowr.

$41.13 Pf Meath $tS Down, $41 10 Pr Month i' 16402) Haetad Hwfl) MrMrsJ Wrnr lb. AAC. Tim -H's, ies, vis's. ai'S. MUTUIll- Red Tnb i 40, 1 40, l.tOi Ellen Mary 20.

20) Find Rdlng '58 CHEVROLET 4 DOOR "Amerlca'a PdrorH." Bleelltm ltd. rn. I All omit kufy k.TJJ t.ik.i Dumotv TRAINED BY RnMrt '61 CHEVROLET 4 DOOR II Iho II nest la Mrfarmanc nd goo look or order, ttiis It, Whit 4 Door, Sid. shift, I N. Vinyl Inter lor Dowr, $44.23 Par Month 1995 '60 FORD RANCHWAGON Economy Performance VI wr steer in, ate All whit hw sciln car Priced this we nd for only Dowr, Ptr Month 1095 1595 IN OATI I II.

ot'at nr. SCRATCHID-Loviy Sun. Fstrn Boor, Finish Lino, Iwm Coll MUTUEL POOL I 177. OUINELLA POOL llart am? oeslhT. RID TRIBE itmt ith FINAL RIAOINO In mat ma ttta aare hut easily dliaoted af the letter aftr ontortn th stretch He Mnt Cwn.

$41 13 Pt Mottth ELLIN MARY we In tie ouartar ontorln (h barkstretrh bit moved Strongly when cieor end wet hesi 'est fihas. aisume meo, Aftendence A 44. Mvtvet bnd Itlt.TM. Crri4ht, 11, By Trinkj Pvbiicdkm, In. Tur! Workouts, Results HERB STEVEN Smntl.

Mhg, Amo Wo, 4'jdI Wing Wv. 39b; We Rv, 37 2t ONE HALF MILI-Anrty Biy. Artion Down Meetin Turf Partdlt i Frietr, frtcki Otod ONE QUART MIL! 25 Kmg Sastm, 74 Thai Sunset Girl, 24 4b: VVftiJmSliJrLn A w. Ar Meadech. $Aii Bohbln Ben, 5) 111.

Bnbby Fall. ST. hi Friiva, Tin Lass, SO'lbi Chrisfe'eoh, l21hgi Care Sirello, 44 4hi Dt'nso First. 4 2h; bualirat BraerO. liha: Hllo HayO.

11, '71 I Btv. J7 mi aoroer wm, Tbi Brush Rabbit. 3hgi Ba'ho, 39b, MalM i ll ItobM Likeanas. 51, IM; Salesman, 57 lb: Sir lnivili, ITbi Barbarian, 34 7h Mdr, Ibi Bui'ti. aljoi Cinjy Kinttry, S3 3bi T'O-O Flemo.

if Blrd, 12 1b Woodllck, Kbl Whim "'piViIoSthI Mill Angel Alice, Oi LltnOUIIO. 47 ID I S.WSIT, Jhdi Dlnev, Mb, Day lad, l'Jbi Onn etioana. Incresi 17 3bi Jeans EAST A tVl ELBACK 1408 104 7b, Float Cale. I 01 lb Mamelit, Bimo, J'J4 Mky. I Ml King lev.

WiiT-airvs, 4ihi Ms Celonn. JAih. Marur. )1 Nevod Bm, an 2Bi P4-tr. 3b- Prosaic One, Jb- osbi 6ur-Noar, lOAlbj Sir Park, i i two's A Pair, I nl'jb.

thri quarters Mill luniil aiah. 17lh Jbi 0 Teton. T'ht Oueon Stadium 11 7'Tht saan jtadlvm .17 Bometl lenllnal 1 Ro 01 r.ron, Comment- Blnr( nJ Woorttlt wnrd enmr-eny unoer rotlrdit, Cr Sordi Pamii Dream, in norwe lit LPiet, 4 ni. 41bi too Saw, 4bi.

The Arizona Republic from Phoenix, Arizona (2025)


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The Arizona Republic is a daily newspaper published in Phoenix, Ariz. The publication has had the highest newspaper circulation in Arizona since 1915.

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Who owned Arizona before us? ›

Table of Contents. Arizona, the Grand Canyon state, was originally part of Spanish and Mexican territories. The land was ceded to the United States in 1848 and became a separate territory in 1863. Arizona officially earned its statehood in 1912.

What did Arizona used to be called? ›

The area that is now southern Arizona and northern Mexico was known by the Spanish as the Pimería Alta , or Upper Pima Country, named after the natives of the area whom the Spanish called Pima. Within this area was a place that the Spanish called Arisona, Arissona or Arizona.

Is Arizona a Democrat or a republic? ›

Since the 1950s, Arizona has been considered a stronghold state for the Republican Party, with the party carrying the state in all subsequent elections except 1996 and 2020 (and even then, Democrats won with narrow pluralities).

Can newspaper be read online? ›

Advantages of online newspapers: It is convenient. You can read online newspapers from a smartphone or tab even while travelling.

How much is The Arizona Republic digital subscription? ›

Get unlimited digital access. $9.99 for 1 year.

How can I read the Times newspaper online? ›

You can log in to the site using your Times subscription credentials. How do I read an article? There are two ways of reading articles, you can either pan and zoom around on the pdf to view the article, or you can open the articles by tapping anywhere to read it within the article view.

Can I read the Sun newspaper online? ›

The Sun Digital Newspaper subscription gives you instant access to today's newspaper, as well as your favourite supplements and pull outs including Fabulous and The Sun's TV mag. You'll also enjoy unlimited access to daily puzzles, latest news and videos and the previous 14 days' newspapers at your fingertips.

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Author: Jamar Nader

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Author information

Name: Jamar Nader

Birthday: 1995-02-28

Address: Apt. 536 6162 Reichel Greens, Port Zackaryside, CT 22682-9804

Phone: +9958384818317

Job: IT Representative

Hobby: Scrapbooking, Hiking, Hunting, Kite flying, Blacksmithing, Video gaming, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Jamar Nader, I am a fine, shiny, colorful, bright, nice, perfect, curious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.